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25 October 2011

REVIEW: roux fanci-full mousse in lucky copper

Sally's Beauty Supply for $9.99 USD

This is a short, short-short, review for Revlon's Temporary Color Mousse. I purchased it about a week ago to try and make my hair a little more red-like for my halloween costume. Did it work?

Short answer: Nuh-uh.

Longer answer: I have light-to-medium brown hair, so I hadn't expected much of a color turn-out; I realize it's best to have lighter hair, in these sorts of situations. But the ends of my hair can be downright blonde in spots, and even if my hair was slightly auburn-ish brown, I could have made it work. But, to be honest, I didn't see even a hint of color. And I progressively used gobs of the brown goo.

It was a great mousse, though, taking aside the supposed color change.

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