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20 October 2011

halloween inspiration: joan holloway

"That's life. One minute you're on top of the world, 
the next minute some secretary's running you over with a lawn mower."

Amid papers and take-home exams (much harder than you think!), I find out that Halloween will not be, as I had first anticipated, ignored. Friends are hosting a party, and while I had briefly considered weather appropriate costumes (like a jellyfish) or an older costume, instead I turned towards our favorite Madmen secretary, Joan Holloway. Harris. Whatever.

Search as I might, I could not find that killer berry-red dress that I consider when picturing iconic Joan. Instead, I found a red-purple dress on clearance at Old Navy for ten dollars and some change. The pictured dress above isn't the exact dress I bought (it's a beautiful wine color), but it's close enough in shape to get the idea. I bought a brooch similar to the one pictured for above five dollars, and found some shoes (like the Modcloth pumps) in the back of my closet.

For makeup, I plan to use liquid eyeliner for an emphasized cat eye, and Revlon's lipstick in Orange Flip (an orangey-red that is a little more forgiving than a traditional red) to provide a striking contrast to the purple in my dress. I'm secretly terrified of red lipsticks, and because of my skin undertone confusion (warm? cool? neutral?) I wanted something coral that could translate into a red lipstick.  It is a little much on me, but that could be my nerves talking; I toned it down with some tinted lip balm.

My updo was done using the youtube tutorial below. It's not completely polished, but for a first time try (without the aid of another mirror to see what I was doing), I'm pleased! There is even some temporary color mousse sold at Sally's Beauty Supply that I might us to make my hair look red.

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