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23 August 2011

Shampoo Revoo

I should start by mentioning my recent obsession with Nouveau Cheap. Having a major hair crisis while attempting to grow out my bangs has forced me to turn towards other forms of beauty to keep myself from going mad (or, the more likely surrender with the metaphorical white flag of a pair of scissors). It's worth it's own separate post, let me tell you. Regardless, makeup and nail polish have taken over the lengthy routine that my hair once held, and I have turned towards Gianna and her drugstore reviews to find the best at the best price.

This is not about makeup, however. This is about hair. And shampoo. Specifically, Suave Professionals.

The products are no longer 'new' by any means (having come out sometime in the Spring of last year), but I hardly considered Suave Professionals legitimate. Isn't that awful?! It is! Simply awful. What I had experienced through Suave (their reasonably-priced bodywash was used to create bubbles for my bubble baths when I was a child) had led me to believe that they were cheap in price, and cheap in quality. How wrong I was! And really, it was all thanks to Nouveau Cheap.

I've been using their Invigorating Clean Rosemary Mint Shampoo for All Hair Types for about two weeks now, and love the results.

My hair needs are fairly simple: I blow dry and style my hair, and have medium-thin (as in, I'm in no danger of balding, but my hair possesses no texture and barely any volume), never-dyed hair, but lots of it. I have recently switched from a regimen of daily washing to only washing my hair every other day. I am in the process of growing out my hair and bangs, and so I find a torturous hot shower and the grueling half hour of dryer + styling products + more hairspray during the summer months a bit much. What with pinning my bangs back, it's a lot less about 'big hair', and more about texture and keeping my hair off my face.

This shampoo doesn't 'strip' my hair, but instead does its job of cleaning and offering a healthy, shiny, rejuvenating feel. Constantly concerned about my hair falling flat, the shampoo offers a bit of volume, and more than I expected it too, seeing as its main role is to 'clean', not 'volumize'. It really does offer a bit of everything, and I suspect good for all hair types, as it propagates.

The rosemary and mint scent deserves it's own paragraph of recognition. It really is the most lovely and refreshing scent. The rosemary, normally a bit strong, is perfectly balanced with the much more subtle mint. Perfect for summer! I do not by any means find it overpowering, though my boyfriend (the persnickety bloodhound that he is) thought it a tad much. 

Here's the kicker: after showering, I blow dry as usual (but with no styling product). Then, once it is mostly dry --as I get lazy halfway through, and leave the ends a bit wet-- I use Suave Professionals Dry Shampoo Spray as a root lifter. The results are absolutely phenomenal! Tons of volume for so little product, and hardly any white residue (easily brushed away) with no sticky factor. It works great at its intended purpose, too, which is to soak up excess oil from unwashed hair and leave hair clean and shiny.

I pair it with my favorite hairsprays, which is either my usual Garnier Fructis non-aerosol hairspray, or Big Sexy Hair Spray and Play volumizing hairspray (for when I'm treating myself), for the full effect.

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